Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tunisian Ksar & Rocks from Vesta

A visit to a ksar near Tatahouine was another worldliness of red clay architecture.  Star Wars images flashed back as we explored.

Later in the strewn field we made direct connection with Vesta.  After a good walk to the site, eyes on the ground, we found the sparkle of green of the Diogenite pieces seem to be everywhere and everyone came away with a tiny piece.

Dave Eicher talks tonight.

Go to for more about our time in Tunisia.

Berber Ksar

Astronomy magazine editor, 
Dave Eicher at the Tunisia Ksar

Walking through the Berber Ksar

Where's Luke Skywalker?

Meteorite strewn field

Another one for the museum

King of the search

Dr. Chris McKay in Tunisia

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