Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tatahouine - Matmata

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Out of Tatahouine and on into the Sahara and Matmata.

Our guide, Beligh, brought us up to date with modern politics and the thuggery of the ex-Mafi, Ben Ali and his wife.  They had created a police state, stole money from the people, and demanded money much like American Mafia.  They undid all that former and first president, Habib Borgiba had built.

Borgiba, educated at the Sorbonne in Paris and married to a Parisian, insisted on mandatory schooling and upgraded the civil society toward Democracy.  

Besides the Tunisians giving us the Victory sign as we passed, every street sign named November 6, 1987, the day Ben Ali took office, was taped over or crossed out.  It shouted clearly we want these criminals gone.

Just outside Matmata, we visited Berber home and was welcomed with hot tea and bread.

Now in our underground hotel the temperature has dropped but expect good stargazing tonight.  Marcie Smith who works on the Kepler project has been asked to talk to the group before dinner.  The group has 4 physicists, 2 physic teachers and others with various scientific backgrounds.   Dinner conversation is most intriguing.


Tunisia Purges Ben Ali

Visiting Fatima's Berber life

Astronomers discuss Berber's life -
Courtyard of Berber's home

Guide explains Berber homes

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