Thursday, November 17, 2011

Swimming and Art

November 13, 2011

Part of our group of astronomers flew to the Westman Islands while others took a two hour walk on the glacier.  Others remained in Reykjavik, taking  a break at the large aquatic center with indoor and outdoor pools.  Here's where the locals gather daily to bathe, soak in hot pots up to 44 degrees Celsius.  Happy to chat with visitors, I met some lovely Icelanders.  

Near the Hotel Grand, the Asmundur Sveinsson Sculpture garden affords a peaceful moment among his finest creations.

Reykjavik is a creative Mecca.  Sculpture, painting, jewelry and music.  The new Harpa Concert Hall is an artpiece itself.  

Hard to say good bye to Iceland when Mozart's Magic Flute is playing.

The CME hit but faintly.  We await the next hunt in February.

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