Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The Art Gallery of NSW, 
Royal Botanical Garden and Opera House
Sydney - Friday, December 09, 2011
Grace HotelBack to cosmopolitan Sydney one notices the difference from the quiet of the Outback to the 
sounds of the city.  My home for three nights is at the elegant, city center hotel, The Grace.  The beautiful art deco features are throughout with stained glass, wood paneled elevators and ornamental iron stair rails.  The Grace opened in 1930 and the Federal Government requisitioned it in 1939 for use as headquarters for the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in South - West Pacific, General MacArthur.  The Grace is elegantly refurbished.  All the hotels in Australia come complete with coffee makers, hair dryers, ironing boards and irons.  Sadly, though managements are still working on a complimentary Wi-Fi.

It's a sunny day and we are heading a foot exploring:  The Art Gallery of NSW which has plenty to enjoy from the 19th c. Australian and 20th c. Aboriginal art, along with 19th c. and 20th c. European art.  The Aboriginal art is in high demand worldwide and there is a good selection of art galleries focusing on the indigenous fine art in Sydney as well as other parts of Australia.  
Out from the Gallery we headed across the street to walk through the luxurious Royal Botanical Garden and Domain Trust.  
The garden is a cool, green oasis of natural beauty, exotic plants, and aged, giant trees with far reaching branches shelter colorful birds.  It is a welcome, quiet beauty in the heart of Sydney and at the edge of the harbor.

Working up an appetite we headed to a venue near
Oystersthe water's edge.  The most challenging aspect when hungry in Sydney is which one to select for a dining experience.  Today we selected a favorite local area at Woolloomooloo Bay, where eateries line side by side offering in or outside dinning.  Christmas parties underway and all were brimming with diners.  
Queen Victoria Building.jpg
We found a spot at Manta and settled in with Oyster starters before making the main selection.  All mouthwatering.  And always followed with Australia's grand fruit of the vine.

From the Grace Hotel it is only a five minute walk to the heritage building of the Queen Victoria Building where the giant GIANT Christmas tree sparkles with lights.  

Tomorrow it's the House!

Sydney Opera House -  Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday in Sydney we headed to the architecturally marvelous Sydney Opera
Sydney Opera HouseHouse, dubbed the Edge of the Possible
after sixteen years and 102 million
dollars.  The Concert Hall, one of the largest in the world, readies for Handel's Messiah today.  The high, pleated patterned ceiling is lined with both soft and hardwood.  The high ceiling challenges the musicians so acoustic clouds were installed.  The vertical surface of the roofs holds over a million ceramic tiles.  Jorn Utzon, architect, noted for using natural materials along with cement, lived to see his masterpiece be tapped for the World Heritage Site.

Harbor side is now teaming with attendees for one of several cultural offerings.  We headed for lunch before attending Harold Pinter's NO MAN'S LAND.  Selectinbg the Opera Cafe, specializing in Sushi.  With the million dollar view of the harbor bridge, we finished lunch and headed for the Drama Theatre's 2:00pm performance.

One must always take in a performance at the SOH.  The last eclipse tour in 2002
we saw Charles Dickens' GREAT EXPECTATIONS.  Today was the Nobel Prize winner, Harold Pinter's NO MAN'S LAND, a heady, semi-autobiographical Pinter at his best with patter and social comments.  The opera season closed in November and sadly for next year the last opera performance is November 3.

Must depart this beautiful city tomorrow.  See you next year Down Under! 
Blessings of the Season to you.  

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